In each game drive, a fresh and unique experience unfolds as the rangers navigate the paths weaving through the bush, valleys, and mountains of the Klein Karoo in search of the elusive leopard. Exploring ancient riverbeds that wind through a border of Acacia trees, creating a wooded wonderland beneath the imposing cliffs of the Langeberg Mountain range, adds to the allure of the journey.

The Safari Guide, possessing profound knowledge of this distinctive region, eagerly imparts insights into the intricate symbiotic relationships between the fauna and flora of the Klein Karoo. Game drives, offered twice daily depending on the season, commence in the early morning as the sun gradually illuminates the landscape, and again in the late afternoon just before the sun sets beyond the horizon.

This extraordinary experience is an integral part of all our accommodation packages and is a not-to-be-missed opportunity. Each game drive promises a new and captivating adventure as you traverse the bush, providing the chance to encounter the majestic African Big 5 animals – Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino, and Buffalo.